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In-Person v/s Virtual Job Interviews
In-Person v/s Virtual Job Interviews
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We are in the year 2023, weighing around the pros and cons of In-Person and Virtual job interviews. What is this hype all about? Read here.

While 70% of Americans prefer an in-person job interview as compared to the rest 30%, as per a study by the ASA; what comes across as a significant conclusion is the mindset of the job-seekers while they prepare to appear for the interviews. 

A large section of the individuals who prefer virtual and audio calls do so as they feel under-confident in their physical appearances. A few of them seek hours of dressing up before appearing for an interview to look presentable. In contrast, a section of society gets hooked up with a selection of the right outfits so as to make a mark before the employer.

What needs to be conveyed here through the employers is that an inclusive work environment does not demand appropriate physical appearance but commands the skills that the company is looking out for. 

When RPO recruitment firms go out in search of candidates, they scan their backgrounds and test their knowledge and skills to match them to the right employer rather than forming judgments about their external looks. 

It is highly essential for candidates to focus on preparing their technical know-how prior to interviews rather than making illogical excuses for audio/online interviews, which surely give a wrong impression to the recruiters. 

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