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Remote bookkeeping – Adding value in the growth of small businesses
Remote bookkeeping – Adding value in the growth of small businesses
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If you own a small business then probably you too are stretching yourself thin to avoid incurring any unnecessary costs right now. 

Today, the need is for being cost as well as time effective. Yet many small business owners choose the traditional method of playing all the organizational roles themselves. They handle sales, marketing, bookkeeping on top of strategic operations to save as much as they can.

However, in-house bookkeeping does more harm than it saves you cost. In this blog we are sharing some major advantages of remote bookkeeping over In-house that will come as the best cost effective strategy and add value to the profitability of your small business.


How does Remote Bookkeeping Work?

Remote bookkeeping refers to gaining remote/online access to your financial documents and softwares to perform the bookkeeping tasks by an experienced external staff.

A great benefit of remote bookkeeping is that you get to view, scan and download your receipts and invoices whenever you need them.

Your remote bookkeeper will use this data along with the data collected by their software from your bank accounts and credit cards to record daily entries and prepare monthly reconciliation and reports.


Gains of Remote Bookkeeping

Offshore bookkeeping has great many advantages that must be leveraged if one wants to surge their small business with efficiency.

1.   It saves you money

There is no need to hire a full time bookkeeper and fill the usual 40 hours workweek slot which only leads to under utilization of the talent capacity.

Offshore bookkeeping allows you to pay for only the number of hours you need. This way you get the same level of talent remotely and yet pay a lower price.

Besides, there is zero cost of office space which is one of the most superior reasons to choose remote bookkeeping over In-house. 


2.   It’s a highly convenient option

Remote bookkeeping is an extremely convenient and a sought out service. There is no need for setting up an office space when you hire your remote staff as everything takes place online.

It comes as a great comfort when you get to view the data at your fingerprints whenever you need it as all the documents get saved on a secured online folder. 

Remote services are highly flexible. You get the access to your service provider 24*7 as they work remotely from the comfort of their space.


3.   It offers better security

Many think that handing business information over to an external company is not safe and can lead to data misuse. On the contrary, remote bookkeeping provides complete security of your data as all the information is encrypted and kept in a secured online folder which is used between the offshore agency and the client only.


4.   You save a huge amount of time

By hiring an experienced and skilled remote bookkeeper you free yourself from the fuzz of learning new bookkeeping softwares or doing your normal bookkeeping tasks altogether.

This saved time allows you to fully focus on your clients’ needs and take strategic decisions to scale up your business. 


About Relig Solutions

Relig Solutions is a diverse team of specialized accountants and bookkeepers serving a wide range of industries for more than a decade. Our bookkeeping services ensure good quality, accuracy and cost effectiveness to help small businesses grow faster.


Connect with us and get an in-depth knowledge of how remote bookkeeping will work for your business at Relig Solutions.

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